Worship & Minstrels

Mission & Purpose

We exist to invoke the presence of God for unlimited impossibilities through praise and worship of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.

Our Vision

Our vision is to see the manifestation of people committing their lives to Christ, lives being changed through Christ, healings, deliverances, miracles, signs and wonders

Our Goals

1. To create an atmosphere of uninhibited praise and worship, through various means of creativity (Music, Song, Dance, Instruments, Theatrics, Art, Spoken Word, Graphics, etc.), exhortations and the Word of God.

2. To allow for a visitation of the Holy Spirit, consistently, within our time of worship without quenching it and with consistency under the anointing of Pastor Michael Aaron Jones.

3. To help team members understand that we were created first to bring Glory to God.

4. To help team members practice walking in the presence of God everyday of their lives.

5. To promote and encourage a deeper personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

6. To promote and strengthen relationships with one another:

7. To promote a spirit of excellence throughout the entire Worship & Minstrel’s team.

8. To create a culture that encourages individual and professional growth with development in each team member’s gift, profession and/or craft.