
Equipping the next generation

Grade 7 - 12

IGNITE Student Ministry exists to introduce teenagers to Jesus, nurture them in their faith, and equip them for a lifetime of glorifying God. We encourage our youth to invest themselves in the life of our church through Table Groups, Equipping Groups, discipleship, and more. IGNITE is open to all students in grades 7-12.

College Ministry

The Torch College Ministry exists to "reach the world one student at a time." Our desire is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ take root in the lives of college students in the metro Atlanta area and around the world. We offer small groups to be the fuel to the mission. Believers encourage and equip each other to know God and make Him known. Our small groups meet throughout the week in various places across the Atlanta area

Our Vision

The vision of the Living Life Worship Center Youth Ministry comes down to four words: “Make Disciples, Mobilize Students.”

Our Beliefs

We believe that the Great Commission makes very clear what we are to do with our lives here on earth. We are to “GO and MAKE DISCIPLES” of all people. What does this mean? We are to go wherever the Lord leads us in our lives whether that be Atlanta, New York, or to some country overseas and we are to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.

However, the Great Commission does not stop there. We are also to pour our lives into the lives of new believers in a process called discipleship. This means inviting young believers to live their lives alongside ours as we are “teaching them to observe all things that Jesus has commanded.” This life-on-life will produce mature believers who will then take what they have seen and learned and do the same wherever they find their lives planted.

Our Leaders

Have a question about our ministry? Want to know more about an upcoming event? Contact our Youth elders, Gregg & Shakela Matthews, and they can help point you in the right direction!